%YAML 1.2
lang: en-US

type: structure

uri: https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/HEAD

standard tag: 'HEAD'

  - Header
  - A pseudo-structure for storing metadata about the document. See [The Header
    and Trailer] for more details.
  - |
    The header pseudo-structure provides metadata about the entire dataset. A few
    substructures of note:
    - `GEDC` identifies the specification that this document conforms to. It is
      recommended that `GEDC` be the first substructure of the header.
    - `SCHMA` gives the meaning of extension tags; see [Extensions] for more
    - `SOUR` describes the originating software.
      - `CORP` describes the corporation creating the software.
      - `HEAD`.`SOUR`.`DATA` describes a larger database, electronic data source,
        or digital repository this data is extracted from.
    - `LANG` and `PLAC` give a default value for the rest of the document.
    <div class="deprecation">
    `HEAD`.`SOUR`.`DATA` is now deprecated and applications should use
    `HEAD`.`SOUR`.`NAME` instead.

label: 'Header'

payload: null

  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/COPR": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/DEST": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/GEDC": "{1:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/HEAD-DATE": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/HEAD-LANG": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/HEAD-PLAC": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/HEAD-SOUR": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/NOTE": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SCHMA": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SNOTE": "{0:1}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SUBM": "{0:1}"

superstructures: {}

contact: "https://gedcom.io/community/"