%YAML 1.2
lang: en

type: uri

uri: https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/RFN

  - Record File Number
  - |
    This URI is defined to support conversion from GEDCOM 5.5.1 to FamilySearch
    GEDCOM 7.0 and beyond. It is intended for use as the 
    https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/TYPE of an 
    https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/EXID replacing 5.5.1's RFN structure.

    GEDCOM versions 5.0 through 5.5.1 had a notion of a "registered resource
    identifier". The registration process was never widely followed and ceased
    being used in the early 2000s. URLs beginning
    https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/RFN are placeholders for such "registered
    resource identifiers", which may or may not have been registered and hence
    may or may not be a unique resource identifier.
    The fragment identifer of this URI (the part after the #) is the
    registered resource identifier; the payload of the EXID is the record
    identifier within that resource. If there is no fragment identifier,
    the EXID may represent either a registered number of a submitter of
    Ancestral File data (see https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/AFN) or may have been
    created by a user omitting to indicate the resource in 5.5.1 or earlier.
    It is recommend that the 5.5.1 structure
        2 RFN xyz:123abc
    be converted to 7.0 structures
        2 EXID xyz
        3 TYPE https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/RFN#123abc
