%YAML 1.2
lang: en-US

type: structure

uri: https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/record-INDI

standard tag: 'INDI'

  - Individual
  - |
    The individual record is a compilation of facts or hypothesized facts about an
    individual. These facts may come from multiple sources. Source citations and
    notes allow documentation of the source where each of the facts were
    A single individual may have facts distributed across multiple individual
    records, connected by `ALIA` (alias, in the computing sense not the pseudonym
    sense) pointers. See `ALIA` for more details.
    Individual records are linked to Family records by use of bi-directional
    pointers. Details about those links are stored as substructures of the pointers
    in the individual record. Source citations and notes related to the start of
    the individual's relationship to parents should be placed under the
    individual's `BIRT`, `CHR`, or `ADOP` event, rather than directly under the
    `INDI` record, since the former permits explicitly identifying the family
    record whereas the latter does not.
    Other associations or relationships are represented by the `ASSO` (association)
    tag. The person's relation or associate is the person being pointed to. The
    association or relationship is stated by the value on the subordinate `ROLE`
    line. `ASSO` should not be used for relationships that can be expressed using
    `FAMS` or `FAMC` instead.
    <div class="example">
    The following example refers to 2 individuals, `@I1@` and `@I2@`, where `@I2@`
    is a godparent of `@I1@`:
    0 @I1@ INDI
    1 ASSO @I2@
    Events stored as facts within an `INDI` record may also have `FAMC` or `ASSO`
    tags to indicate families and individuals that participated in those events.
    For example, a `FAMC` pointer subordinate to an adoption event indicates a
    relationship to family by adoption; biological parents can be shown by a `FAMC`
    pointer subordinate to the birth event; the eulogist at a funeral can be shown
    by an `ASSO` pointer subordinate to the burial event; and so on. A subordinate
    `FAMC` pointer is allowed to refer to a family where the individual does not
    appear as a child.

label: 'Individual'

payload: null

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  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/ANCI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/ASSO": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BAPL": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BAPM": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BARM": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BASM": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BIRT": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BLES": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/BURI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/CAST": "{0:M}"
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  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/CHR": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/CHRA": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/CONF": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/CONL": "{0:M}"
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  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/CREM": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/DEAT": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/DESI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/DSCR": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/EDUC": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/EMIG": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/ENDL": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/EXID": "{0:M}"
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  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/FCOM": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/GRAD": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/IDNO": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/IMMI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-CENS": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-EVEN": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-FACT": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-FAMC": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-NAME": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-NCHI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-RELI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-RESI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INDI-TITL": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/INIL": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/NATI": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/NATU": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/NMR": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/NO": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/NOTE": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/OBJE": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/OCCU": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/ORDN": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/PROB": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/PROP": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/REFN": "{0:M}"
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  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SLGC": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SNOTE": "{0:M}"
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  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SSN": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/SUBM": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/UID": "{0:M}"
  "https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/WILL": "{0:M}"

superstructures: {}

contact: "https://gedcom.io/community/"