How do I replace GEDCOM 5.5.1 tags that were removed in FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0?


These were replaced by the more versatile TRAN.

Thus, this 5.5.1:

1 NAME /橘/ 逸勢
2 ROMN /Tachibana/ no Hayanari
3 TYPE romaji
2 FONE /たちばな/ の はやなり
3 TYPE kana

becomes this 7.0:

1 NAME /橘/ 逸勢
2 TRAN /Tachibana/ no Hayanari
3 LANG ja-Latn
2 TRAN /たちばな/ の はやなり
3 LANG ja-hrkt

If we have extra knowledge, we could be more precise, as e.g. knowing that the above phonetic system was actually hiragana, a subset of kana:

2 TRAN /たちばな/ の はやなり
3 LANG ja-hira

The full mapping of 5.5.1 types is is

  • FONE.TYPE hangul = TRAN.LANG ko-hang

  • FONE.TYPE kana = TRAN.LANG ja-hrkt

  • ROMN.TYPE pinyin = TRAN.LANG und-Latn-pinyin

    Note: pinyin could be either zh-Latn-pinyin or bo-Latn-pinyin; thus, from 5.5.1 alone we can’t deduce the language, only the script and variant, hence the und (undetermined) language above.

  • ROMN.TYPE romaji = TRAN.LANG ja-Latn

  • ROMN.TYPE wadegiles = TRAN.LANG zh-Latn-wadegile


These have been replaced by EXID. Thus this 5.5.1:

1 SOUR MySystem
0 @5@ INDI
1 AFN 123456789
1 RIN 9876
1 RFN Resource:5431

becomes this 7.0:

0 @5@ INDI
1 EXID 123456789
1 EXID 9876
1 EXID 5431

See EXID TYPE Base URIs for the table of currently registered base URIs for EXID.TYPE.


These were defined to be specific to the Ancestral File and TempleReady systems. As these systems are no longer in use, this record and its corresponding pointer have been removed. If other applications were using this record for some other purpose, they should switch to an extension to handle that purpose.


This has been replaced by ROLE. ROLE is an enumerated value where RELA was free text.

If the 5.5.1 RELA value maps to one of the 7.0 ROLE enumerations, use the ROLE enumeration.

This 5.5.1:

0 @I1@ INDI
1 ASSO @I2@
2 RELA Witness

becomes this 7.0:

0 @I1@ INDI
1 ASSO @I2@

If the 5.5.1 RELA value is not equivalent to one of the 7.0 ROLE enumerations, use the OTHER enumeration with a PHRASE subrecord.

This 5.5.1:

0 @I1@ INDI
1 ASSO @I2@
2 RELA Honorary uncle

becomes this 7.0:

0 @I1@ INDI
1 ASSO @I2@
3 PHRASE Honorary uncle


GEDCOM 5.5.1 allowed the same tag in the same context to have different meaning depending on its payload type. This added significant implementation complexity and has been removed from v7.0.

Any NOTE_RECORD in 5.5.1 should be replaced with a SHARED_NOTE_RECORD in 7.0.

This 5.5.1:

0 @I8@ INDI
1 NAME Gordon //
2 NOTE @N1@
0 @N1@ NOTE From the Scottish surname Gordon, of uncertain origin
1 SOUR Wikipedia "Gordon_(given_name)", retrieved JAN 2021
1 CHAN 5 JAN 2021

becomes this 7.0:

0 @I8@ INDI
1 NAME Gordon //
2 SNOTE @N1@
0 @N1@ SNOTE From the Scottish surname Gordon, of uncertain origin
1 SOUR Wikipedia "Gordon_(given_name)", retrieved JAN 2021
1 CHAN 5 JAN 2021

Non-pointer OBJE Substructures

GEDCOM 5.5.1 allowed the same tag in the same context to have different meaning depending on its payload type. This added significant implementation complexity as has been removed from v7.0.

A non-pointer OBJE substructure should be converted to an OBJE pointer with an associated OBJE record.

This 5.5.1:

0 @I1@ INDI
1 NAME John /Smith/
2 FILE d:\Media\1896-02-04-John-Smith.jpg
3 FORM jpg
2 TITL John Smith, February 4, 1896

becomes this 7.0:

0 @I1@ INDI
1 NAME John /Smith/
1 OBJE @O1@

0 @O1@
1 FILE file:///d//Media/1896-02-04-John-Smith.jpg
2 FORM image/jpeg
2 TITL John Smith, February 4, 1896

Take care to convert the TITL tag correctly. In the GEDCOM 5.5.1 MULTIMEDIA_LINK structure, the TITL tag is a substructure of the OBJE tag, but in the MULTIMEDIA_RECORD in both GEDCOM 5.5.1 and FamilySearch GEDCCOM 7.0, the TITL tag is a substructure of the FILE tag.

Similarly, the FORM tag must be converted correctly. In the GEDCOM 5.5.1 MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT structure, the FORM tag is a set of enumerated values, but in FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0, it must be a valid media type.

Non-pointer SOUR Substructures

GEDCOM 5.5.1 allowed the same tag in the same context to have different meaning depending on its payload type. This added significant implementation complexity and has been removed from v7.0.

This 5.5.1:

2 DATE 1910
2 SOUR Letter from Alice Smith, 13 April 1946
3 TEXT My father passed away back in 1910.

becomes this 7.0:

2 DATE 1910
2 SOUR @S1@

0 @S1@ SOUR
1 TITL Letter from Alice Smith, 13 April 1946
1 TEXT My father passed away back in 1910.

Age Words

GEDCOM 5.5.1 defined three words for ages:

  • CHILD was defined to mean < 8y
  • INFANT was defined to mean < 1y
  • STILLBORN was defined to mean “died just prior, at, or near birth, 0 years” (page 42) and “approximately 0 days old” (page 68); thus, it may mean either 0y or 0d.

These have been removed from 7.0 in preference for their simpler and more expressive year-based forms. A PHRASE may be used to clarify the age category of a person.

This 5.5.1:


becomes this 7.0:

2 AGE < 8y
3 PHRASE Child

The English word “stillborn” and its parallels in other languages are used to mean death at various ages depending on the culture of the person using the term. It may mean anywhere from “died in the womb” to “died within a few days of birth while still too young to perform a particular religious rite for infants.” Note that the STILLBORN value of SLGC.STAT is defined by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for purposes of handling temple ordinances and remains in FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.

It is recommended that if AGE STILLBORN appears under any event in 5.5.1, then to maximize compatibility with various uses of stillbirth you should do all of the following when converting to 7.0:

  1. Ensure there is a DEAT event with AGE 0y (unless a different DEAT.AGE was already present), and
  2. Ensure there is a BIRT event with TYPE Stillborn (unless a different birth type was already present), and
  3. Remove the original AGE STILLBORN line entirely, optionally adding a NOTE Stillborn to preserve the information that this event was tagged with that “age”.

Ordinance Status Values

Some GEDCOM 5.5.1 ordinance status values were renamed in Family Search GEDCOM 7.0:

  • DNS/CAN was changed to DNS_CAN.
  • PRE-1970 was changed to PRE_1970.


The values in GEDCOM 5.5.1 appear in all lower case, but must be all upper case in Family Search GEDCOM 7.0.


  • FAMC.STAT challenged becomes FAMC.STAT CHALLENGED.
  • NAME.TYPE birth becomes NAME.TYPE BIRTH.
  • PEDI birth becomes PEDI BIRTH.
  • RESN confidential becomes RESN CONFIDENTIAL.

SURN Values

GEDCOM 5.5.1 defined the SURN structure as appearing at most once per NAME, and defined its payload as [ <NAME_PIECE> | <NAME_PIECE_SURNAME>, <NAME_PIECE> ], where different surnames are separated by a comma.

FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0 on the other hand allows the SURN structure to appear multiple times, with payload <Text>, meaning any comma is not a delimeter but part of the actual name piece.

Thus, this 5.5.1:

1 NAME Juan /Hernandez Martinez/
2 GIVN Juan
2 SURN Hernandez, Martinez

becomes this 7.0:

1 NAME Juan /Hernandez Martinez/
2 GIVN Juan
2 SURN Hernandez
2 SURN Martinez

Note that FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0 explicitly does not define how the meaning of multiple SURN parts differs from the meaning of a single part with a concatenated larger payload such as

1 NAME Juan /Hernandez Martinez/
2 GIVN Juan
2 SURN Hernandez Martinez

but applications might use the difference to express at least a user preference.

Date Ranges

GEDCOM 5.5.1 defined the ability to specify date ranges with BET <DATE> AND <DATE> but simply defined the semantics without any explicit constraint on order:

BET = Event happened some time between date 1 AND date 2. For example, bet 1904 and 1915
      indicates that the event state (perhaps a single day) existed somewhere between 1904 and
      1915 inclusive.

FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0 on the other hand explicitly defines the semantics as

BET x Exact date unknown, but no earlier than x.
AND x Exact date unknown, but no later than x.

Thus, this 5.5.1:

2 DATE BET 1900 AND 1880

must be converted to

2 DATE BET 1880 AND 1900

to be legal in 7.0.


WAC has a complicated history. Strictly speaking, it was not present in 5.5.1, but was in 5.3 and earlier GEDCOM versions and is still used in 5.5.1 by some implementations. FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0 replaces WAC with INIL.

ROMAN and UNKNOWN calendars

The calendar values ROMAN and UNKNOWN were permitted in 5.5.1 but their meaning was never defined, and they are not permitted in FamilySearch GEDCOM 7.0. If they appear in any 5.5.1 file, their use would be implementation specific and so should be converted to _ROMAN and _UNKNOWN, respectively.

This 5.5.1:

2 DATE @#ROMAN@ 71

becomes this 7.0: